Caecilia Tripp | Sharjah Biennial Catalogue

Catalogue Release

Terremoto and Sharjah Art Foundation (SAF) are delighted to announce the release of Look for Me All Around You. This is the last of three catalogs for the Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber, by the three curators: Zoe Butt, Omar Kholeif and Claire Tancons.


This publication, edited by Claire Tancons and Diego del Valle Ríos/TERREMOTO, accompanies the Look for Me All Around You platform, part of Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving The Echo Chamber. This book charts a non-chronological time-space (dis-)continuum between the Americas and the Emirates, building unexpected trans-oceanic and multi-diasporic bridges for a global history. This volume provides interpretative, discursive, poetic, political, and theoretical tools to compare and contrast modes of migration, production, extraction, and exploitation through a series of 30 newly commissioned context-specific works and critical texts. Look for Me All Around You also operates as an artists’ book generative of readings on performance.


Edited by Claire Tancons with Diego Del Valle Ríos, featuring texts by Hannah Black, Yarimar Bonilla, Adrienne Edwards, Imani J. Brown and Michael Marder, Claire Tancons, a conversation between Felwine Sarr & Alexandre Kazerouni, an architectural manifesto by Philipe Rahm and an editorial in the form of a conversation between Claire Tancons & Diego Del Valle Ríos; extensive photo spreads and foldouts on all twenty-seven artist commissions, venues and landscapes.


Caecilia Tripp's sound and multiple screen installation Even The Stars Look Lonesome, curated by Claire Tancons, was presented in the Kalba Ice Factory on the edge of the desert for the 14th edition of the Biennial. The installation is now part of the Sharjah Art Foundation's collection. 


14th Edition of the Sharjah Biennial Catalogue: Look for Me All Around You

ft. Even The Stars Look Lonesome by Caecilia Tripp

493 pages, 150 visuals
23.5 x 16.5 cm
Published by Sharjah Art Foundation and Prestel, 2020

November 9, 2020
of 89